Landscape Architects

Are you looking for a landscape architect to breathe your personality into your garden? You’ve probably looked into different designs but have no idea how to bring your ideas to life. Tell you what, a landscape architect Pocatello professional will consider your needs and ensure your landscape reflects your personality.

Landscape architects have diverse backgrounds, thus, different styles and approaches. So how do you choose the right one for your landscape? Here are five tips to remember when selecting a landscape architect Pocatello pro.

1.  Choose a Professional Landscape Architect

A landscape architect is different from a landscape designer. The former has a formal license and a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in architecture. In addition, they can plan out your whole yard and the necessary structural changes. On the other hand, a landscape designer may have a degree in horticulture or landscape management, but it’s not required.

When you have a small project that involves planting a few trees and refreshing your garden, you probably need a landscape designer. However, if you have a large, complex project that consists of building a pool, dealing with drainage, etc., you will need the services of a good landscape architect Pocatello professional.

2.  Know the Type of Work You Want

Setting project goals is essential as it allows you to define the reasons for the project. These are some of the questions you need to answer.

  1. Who will use your landscape, e.g., your family, friends, small groups, large gatherings, etc.
  2. What do you need from your landscape? Will it bring changes to your life?
  3. What’s the focus of your design? Front yard, backyard, the entire property, etc.
  4. How will you use your landscape? Like a children’s play area, dinner table, a quiet place to watch the scenery, etc.

3.  Ask for a License or Other Proof of Credibility

When choosing a landscaping professional, it’s best to ask for proof of credibility. To this end, learn about their certification, license, and any professional associations that they should belong to. A pro landscape architect Idaho is the best place to start for complex projects where you need multiple contractors’ coordination or permits.

4.  Get A Proposal in Writing

When you decide on a landscape architect Pocatello professional, get a proposal in writing instead of a verbal agreement or simply shaking hands. This will show you the architect’s services, an action plan, example projects, customer testimonials, and a visual project representation. A written proposal streamlines everything and helps you predict the outcome or make changes before the project begins.

5.  Look at Their Track Record

When researching landscape architects, go beyond what their website says by checking their reviews and ratings. It’s best to go on review sites like Yelp or Angie’s list for what other people are saying. Generally, if there are many negative reviews, the landscape architect has weaknesses that may affect your project.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the best landscape architect Pocatello should be easy with these five tips. A professional landscaper will help you carry out the design of your project with fewer mishaps. You can expect them to install plants, design features, irrigation, and other construction elements without hassle.

Good luck!